Chow Sang Sang
80th Anniversary Campaign Website
User-uploaded photo mosaic featuring over 7,000 of their employees
Chow Sang Sang is a listed jewelry company in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Headquartered in Hong Kong, it has an expansive reach and a strong presence across the Greater China region. In celebration of their 80th Anniversary, we collaborated with Chow Sang Sang to develop the concept for their internal campaign.
The chosen concept was decided as the Sang Sang Tree, a photomosaic tree that features user-uploaded photos of all of Chow Sang Sang's employees to signify the company's unity, heritage and growth.
We created all the graphic designs that were used for the internal campaign. In the development of the desktop website and the mobile website, we integrated photo uploads and user registrations along with Chow Sang Sang's existing LDAP system to create a new database management system to control user entries. As for the tree itself, it contained highly interactive elements such as allowing users to look up other people's profiles, choosing their own slot allocations on the tree and highlighting the position of other regions/departments on the tree. The Sang Sang Tree grows through four different stages from small to big; once slots on the tree draws close to full capacity, the tree will flourish onto its later stage.